บริษัท PJ Education And Immigration Service (Thailand) เป็นบริษัทแนะแนวการศึกษาต่อและดำเนินการวีซ่านิวซีแลนด์ทุกประเภท โดย New Zealand Licensed Immigration Advisers (ผู้มีใบอนุญาตให้คำปรึกษาสำหรับตรวจคนเข้าเมือง)
PJ International The company is certified and regulated by the Licensed Immigration Advisers Regulatory Authority as a licensed immigration adviser. Our business encompasses various domains, including education, immigration, tourism, investment, foreign exchange, and overseas asset management.
We boast a team of highly experienced and professional education consultants, licensed immigration advisers, as well as experts in investment, taxation, and law. Our team members come from various countries worldwide, including Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and China, and possess international higher education backgrounds.