Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

  • Members must know the regulations of the association, follow them seriously, and must take the principles and laws of the government as the basis.
  • Members must conduct business in a reliable manner and follow the code of ethics that the association has written as a guideline. Any misconduct on the regulations of the association might cause discipline punishment.
  • Members must have a fundamental understanding of the education industry, possess strong knowledge about the recommended institution, and know related law and regulations, such as student applications, as well as visa and immigration issues from each country.
  • Members must provide real and accurate information. Whenever information is given out at the office, at a seminar, or as advertisement.
  • Members must take full responsibility during counseling sessions, by properly identifying the most appropriate institution, based on the student’s needs and qualifications. The service should always be of the highest morals and standards, and include proper orientation sessions to ensure the student is well prepared and ready to travel overseas, which should also facilitate and support his studies.
  • Members must regularly participate in all activities and meetings of the association. Any decisions and agreements made at the meetings, should be fully acknowledged and implemented to guarantee cooperation between the members.
  • Members must keep all information under strict privacy regulations, and must never, under no circumstances give out any confidential data, unrelated to finding a proper institution.
  • Members must forward provide information for the association, in case it needs to collect it for international education activities.
  • Members must avoid giving any information that might cause confusion, is unclear, or might cause misunderstandings.

TIECA Contact Info

Thai International Education Consultants Association

503/30 อาคารเค.เอส.แอล. ชั้น 18 ถ.ศรีอยุธยา แขวงถนนพญาไท เขตราชเทวี กทม. 10400

(+662) 642-6114

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

Become our Members

6th October 2024
พบกัน โรงแรมปทุมวันปริ๊นเซส (ชั้น M)

BTS สนามกีฬาแห่งชาติ (ทางออก 4) ติดกับ MBK Center
